So, today we are gonna talk about this topic: What is the most important in a relationship?





It is really hard right? 

Le's start with Sex. We all know that if the sex life is not good, it might ruin your relationship. But we might even break up with him/her because of tat reason, but we just didn't say it like: "oh having sex with you is sucks i can't do this anymore, i want to break up with you." NO! of course NOT LIKE THAT! Though it is what we thought, but we always make tons of other reasons.

What about love? You won't be with someone one that you don't like right? Not the mention that you don't love him/her, how come things gonna wok out? First of all without love you wont even be in a relationship and yes love can make people totally blind. 

Time is distance, while we in a relationship we all want spend every minute with your lover, if you always have no time for him/her how you guys get to now each other? How you guys dating? I don't want dating a guy whos never had time for me, that means he is selfish and he is not care about you, he always put himself first, not you. 

The last one is trust, without trust you will be suspicion, be jealous all the time, and it'l be very pressure to you and your lover, it's not good that if you become nervousness all the time it is really hard to become together, just make things worse.

Okay! four of them are really hard to decide which one is the most important, but for me, love is important than trust even though trust is indispensable but love is more powerful. If you betrayed my trust but I still continue, because if you really love a person you can forgive almost anything, bad stuff negative shit fighting etc,and that means I love you very much! But if I choose to leave, means I'm not love you enough and that's why once betrayed is enough. 

I choose LOVE, tell me which one you choose is that you think is the most important and why?


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